I too am on your web site many times during the day, I read what everyone posts, wonder how many people come to the site and can’t post. Because they don’t know what to say or it is still not real. For me it’s the latter, I cannot believe that it’s real.
I miss every fiber of your being. I miss the twinkle, the laugh, and of course your amazing hugs. You were my Rock, at eighteen, with your wisdom, you always made me feel safe and secure. We would talk about my problems and yes like all of your friends said- you would listen. I look back and can’t remember talking about your problems, not because you didn’t have any but because you put everyone else’s ahead of yours. And you had the reality check of what was a problem.
I remember leaving Ali’s house the night of prom. Her mom had said what a nice young man you were and how proud I was. I walked to my car with my back a little straighter and a smile so…big. I hope you know how proud you have always made me.
I miss you, I miss the hugs, I miss your voice- especially when you tried to trick me and pretend you were dad, you were so like dad and many times you succeeded.
I hope that the rest of my life, I can make you proud. I pray that I have the strength to live like you did – CHILL and be the very best friend to everyone. No judgments, just love and compassion. Thank you for bringing me a love that is so strong that even in your physical passing it will guide me through.
I treasure our love and connection.
This site is published by the Greene Family. Contact us or send stories or photo's to davidsaulgreene@gmail.com